§ 131D‑2.16. Rules.
Except as otherwise providedin this Article, the Medical Care Commission shall adopt rules necessary tocarry out this Article. The Commission has the authority, in adopting rules, tospecify the limitation of nursing services provided by assisted livingresidences. In developing rules, the Commission shall consider the need toensure comparable quality of services provided to residents, whether theseservices are provided directly by a licensed assisted living provider, licensedhome care agency, or hospice. In adult care homes, living arrangements whereresidents require supervision due to cognitive impairments, rules shall beadopted to ensure that supervision is appropriate and adequate to meet thespecial needs of these residents. Rule‑making authority under thissection is in addition to that conferred under G.S. 131D‑4.3 and G.S.131D‑4.5. (2009‑462,s. 1(e).)