§ 131D‑2.5. License andregistration fees.
(a) The Departmentshall charge each adult care home with six or fewer beds a nonrefundable annuallicense fee in the amount of three hundred fifteen dollars ($315.00). TheDepartment shall charge each adult care home with more than six beds anonrefundable annual license fee in the amount of three hundred sixty dollars($360.00) plus a nonrefundable annual per‑bed fee of seventeen dollarsand fifty cents ($17.50).
(b) The Departmentshall charge each registered multiunit assisted housing with services program anonrefundable annual registration fee of three hundred fifty dollars ($350.00).Any individual or corporation that establishes, conducts, manages, or operatesa multiunit housing with services program, subject to registration under thissection, that fails to register is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor and, uponconviction shall be punishable only by a fine of not more than fifty dollars($50.00) for the first offense and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00)for each subsequent offense. Each day of a continuing violation afterconviction shall be considered a separate offense. (2009‑451, s.10.76(a1); 2009‑462, ss. 1(e), 3(b).)