§ 131E‑120. Noticeto patient.
(a) A copy of G.S. 131E‑115 through G.S. 131E‑127shall be posted conspicuously in a public place in all facilities. Copies ofG.S. 131E‑115 through G.S. 131E‑127 shall be furnished to thepatient upon admittance to the facility, to all patients currently residing inthe facility, to the sponsoring agency, to a representative payee of thepatient, or to any person designated in G.S. 131E‑118, and to thepatient's next of kin, if requested. Receipts for the statement signed by thesepersons shall be retained in the facility's files.
(b) The address and telephone number of the section in theDepartment responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this Part shallbe posted and distributed with copies of the Part. The address and telephonenumber of the county social services department shall also be posted anddistributed. (1977, c. 897, s.1; 1983, c. 775, s. 1.)