§ 131E‑128.5. Medication‑related errorreports.
(a) The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall contractwith a public or private entity to develop and implement a Medication ErrorQuality Initiative. The Initiative would provide for, among other things,receipt and analysis by the contracting entity of annual reports from eachnursing home on the nursing home's medication‑related errors. The reportsubmitted by the nursing home shall not contain information that would identifythe patient, the individual reporting the error, or other persons involved inthe occurrence. The report shall include the following:
(1) The total number of medication‑related errors for thepreceding year.
(2) A listing of the types of medication‑related errors,the number of medication‑related errors, the root cause analysis of eacherror, and the staff level involved.
(3) A listing of the types of injuries caused and the number ofinjuries occurring.
(4) The types of liability claims filed based on an adverseincident or reportable injury.
(b) The contracting entity shall provide for analysis of themedication‑related error reports to determine trends in the incidence ofmedication‑related errors in nursing homes. Information released to thecontractor retains its confidentiality and is not subject to discovery or usein any civil action as provided under G.S. 131E‑128.1, and the contractorshall keep the information confidential subject to that section. (2003‑393, s. 1.)