§ 131E‑144.3. Declaration of home care clients'rights.
Each client of a home care agency shall have the following rights:
(1) To be informed and participate in his or her plan of care.
(2) To be treated with respect, consideration, dignity, and fullrecognition of his or her individuality and right to privacy.
(3) To receive care and services that are adequate, appropriate,and in compliance with relevant federal and State laws and rules andregulations.
(4) To voice grievances about care and not be subjected todiscrimination or reprisal for doing so.
(5) To have his or her personal and medical records keptconfidential and not be disclosed without appropriate written consent.
(6) To be free of mental and physical abuse, neglect, andexploitation.
(7) To receive a written statement of services provided by theagency and the charges the client is liable for paying.
(8) To be informed of the process for acceptance and continuanceof service and eligibility determination.
(9) To accept or refuse services.
(10) To be informed of the agency's on‑call service.
(11) To be informed of supervisory accessibility and availability.
(12) To be advised of the agency's procedures for discharge.
(13) To receive a reasonable response to his or her requests ofthe agency.
(14) To be notified within 10 days when the agency's license hasbeen revoked, suspended, canceled, annulled, withdrawn, recalled, or amended.
(15) To be advised of the agency's policies regarding patientresponsibilities. (2005‑276, s.10.40A(n).)