§ 131E‑154.4. Rules and enforcement.
(a) The Commission shall adopt, amend, and repeal all rulesnecessary for the implementation of this Part. These rules shall include thefollowing requirements:
(1) The nursing pool shall document that each employee whoprovides care meets the minimum licensing, training, and continuing educationstandards for the position in which the employee will be working;
(2) The nursing pool shall comply with all other pertinentregulations relating to the health and other qualifications of personnel;
(3) The nursing pool shall carry general and professionalliability insurance to insure against the loss, damage, or expense incident toa claim arising out of the death or injury of any person as the result ofnegligence or malpractice in the provision of health care services by thenursing pool or its employees;
(4) The nursing pool shall have written administrative andpersonnel policies to govern the services that it provides. These policiesshall include those concerning patient care, personnel, training andorientation, supervision, employee evaluation, and organizational structure;and
(5) Any other aspects of nursing pool services that may need tobe regulated to protect the public.
(b) The Commission shall adopt no rules pertaining to theregulation of charges by the nursing pool or to wages paid by the nursing pool.(1989, c. 744, s. 1.)