Article 7.
Regulation of Emergency Medical Services.
§ 131E‑155. Definitions.
As used in this Article, unless otherwise specified:
(1) "Ambulance" means any privately or publicly ownedmotor vehicle, aircraft, or vessel that is specially designed, constructed, ormodified and equipped and is intended to be used for and is maintained oroperated for the transportation of patients on the streets or highways,waterways or airways of this State.
(2) Repealed by Session Laws 1997‑443, s. 11A.129C.
(3) Redesignated as subdivision (13a).
(4) "Commission" means the North Carolina Medical CareCommission.
(5) "Emergency medical dispatcher" means an emergencytelecommunicator who has completed an educational program approved by theDepartment and has been credentialed as an emergency medical dispatcher by theDepartment.
(6) "Emergency medical services" means servicesrendered by emergency medical services personnel in responding to improve thehealth and wellness of the community and to address the individual's need foremergency medical care within the scope of practice as defined by the NorthCarolina Medical Board in accordance with G.S. 143‑514 in order toprevent loss of life or further aggravation of physiological or psychologicalillness or injury.
(6a) "Emergency medical services instructor" means anindividual who has completed educational requirements approved by theDepartment and has been credentialed as an emergency medical servicesinstructor by the Department.
(6b) "Emergency Medical Services Peer Review Committee"means a panel composed of EMS program representatives to be responsible foranalyzing patient care data and outcome measures to evaluate the ongoingquality of patient care, system performance, and medical direction within theEMS system. The committee membership shall include physicians, nurses, EMSpersonnel, medical facility personnel, and county government officials. Reviewof medical records by the EMS Peer Review Committee is confidential andprotected under G.S. 143‑518. An EMS Peer Review Committee, its members,proceedings, records and materials produced, and materials considered shall beafforded the same protections afforded Medical Review Committees, theirmembers, proceedings, records, and materials under G.S. 131E‑95.
(7) "Emergency medical services personnel" means allthe personnel defined in subdivisions (5), (6a), (8), (9), (10), (12), (13),(14), and (15) of this section.
(8) "Emergency medical services‑nursepractitioner" means a registered nurse who is licensed to practice nursingin North Carolina and approved to perform medical acts by the North CarolinaMedical Board and the North Carolina Board of Nursing. Upon successfulcompletion of an orientation program conducted under the authority of themedical director and approved by the Department, emergency medical services‑nursepractitioners shall be approved by the medical director to issue instructionsto EMS personnel. These instructions shall be in accordance with protocolsapproved by the EMS system and Office of Emergency Medical Services and underthe direction of the medical director.
(9) "Emergency medical services‑physicianassistant" means a physician assistant who is licensed by the NorthCarolina Medical Board. Upon successful completion of an orientation program conductedunder the authority of the medical director and approved by the Department,emergency medical services‑physician assistants shall be approved by themedical director to issue instructions to EMS personnel. These instructionsshall be in accordance with protocols approved by the EMS system and Office ofEmergency Medical Services and under the direction of the medical director.
(10) "Emergency medical technician" means an individualwho has completed an educational program in emergency medical care approved bythe Department and has been credentialed as an emergency medical technician bythe Department.
(11) Repealed by Session Laws 2003‑392, s. 2(a), effectiveAugust 7, 2003.
(12) "Emergency medical technician‑intermediate"means an individual who has completed an educational program in emergencymedical care approved by the Department and has been credentialed as anemergency medical technician‑intermediate by the Department.
(13) "Emergency medical technician‑paramedic"means an individual who has completed an educational program in emergencymedical care approved by the Department and has been credentialed as anemergency medical technician‑paramedic by the Department.
(13a) "EMS provider" means a firm, corporation orassociation which engages in or professes to provide emergency medicalservices.
(14) "Medical responder" means an individual who hascompleted an educational program in emergency medical care and first aidapproved by the Department and has been credentialed as a medical responder bythe Department.
(15) "Mobile intensive care nurse" means a registerednurse who is licensed to practice nursing in North Carolina and is approved bythe medical director, following successful completion of an orientation programconducted under the authority of the medical director and approved by theDepartment, to issue instructions to EMS personnel. These instructions shall bein accordance with protocols approved by the EMS system and Office of EmergencyMedical Services and under the direction of the medical director.
(16) "Patient" means an individual who is sick, injured,wounded, or otherwise incapacitated or helpless such that the need for somemedical assistance might be anticipated.
(17) "Practical examination" means a test where anapplicant for credentialing as an emergency medical technician, medicalresponder, emergency medical technician‑intermediate, or emergencymedical technician‑paramedic demonstrates the ability to performspecified emergency medical care skills. (1983, c. 775, s. 1; 1997‑443, s. 11A.129C; 2001‑210, s. 1;2003‑392, s. 2(a).)