§ 131E‑156. Permit required to operateambulance.
(a) No person, firm, corporation, or association, either asowner, agent, provider, or otherwise, shall furnish, operate, conduct,maintain, advertise, or otherwise engage in or profess to be engaged in thebusiness or service of transporting patients upon the streets or highways,waterways or airways in North Carolina unless a valid permit from theDepartment has been issued for each ambulance used in the business or service.
(b) Before a permit may be issued for a vehicle to be operatedas an ambulance, the EMS provider shall apply to the Department for anambulance permit. Application shall be made upon forms and according toprocedures established by the Department. Prior to issuing an original or renewalpermit for an ambulance, the Department shall determine that the vehicle forwhich the permit is issued meets all requirements as to equipment, design,supplies and sanitation as set forth in this Article and in the rules of theCommission and that the EMS provider has the credentialed personnel necessaryto operate the ambulance in accordance with this Article. Permits issued forambulances shall be valid for a period specified by the Department, not toexceed four years.
(c) Duly authorized representatives of the Department may issuetemporary permits for vehicles not meeting required standards for a period notto exceed 60 days, when it determines the public interest will be served.
(d) When a permit has been issued for an ambulance as specifiedby this Article, the vehicle and records relating to the maintenance andoperation of the vehicle shall be open to inspection by duly authorizedrepresentatives of the Department at all reasonable times. (1967, c. 343, s. 3; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; c. 1224, s. 1; 1983, c. 775,s. 1; 2001‑210, s. 1.)