§ 131E‑159. Credentialing requirements.
(a) Individuals seekingcredentials as an emergency medical technician, emergency medical technician‑intermediate,emergency medical technician‑paramedic, medical responder, emergencymedical dispatcher, or emergency medical services instructor shall apply to theDepartment using forms prescribed by that agency. The Department'srepresentatives shall examine the applicant by either written, practical, orwritten and practical examination. The Department shall issue appropriatecredentials to the applicant who meets all the requirements set forth in thisArticle and the rules adopted for this Article and who successfully completesthe examinations required for credentialing. Emergency medical technician,medical responder, emergency medical dispatcher, emergency medical technician‑intermediate,emergency medical technician‑paramedic, and emergency medical servicesinstructor credentials shall be valid for a period not to exceed four years andmay be renewed if the holder meets the requirements set forth in the rules ofthe Commission. The Department is authorized to revoke or suspend thesecredentials at any time it determines that the holder no longer meets thequalifications prescribed.
(b) The Commissionshall adopt rules setting forth the qualifications required for credentialingof medical responders, emergency medical technicians, emergency medicaltechnician‑intermediates, emergency medical technician‑paramedics,emergency medical dispatchers, and emergency medical services instructors.
(c) Individualscurrently credentialed as an emergency medical technician, emergency medicaltechnician intermediate, emergency medical technician paramedic, medicalresponder, and emergency medical services instructor by the National Registryof Emergency Medical Technicians or by another state where theeducation/credentialing requirements have been approved for legal recognitionby the Department of Health and Human Services, in accordance with rulespromulgated by the Medical Care Commission, and who is either currentlyresiding in North Carolina or affiliated with a permitted EMS provider offeringservice within North Carolina, may be eligible for credentialing as anemergency medical technician, emergency medical technician‑intermediate,emergency medical technician‑paramedic, medical responder, and emergencymedical services instructor without examination. This credentialing shall bevalid for a period not to exceed the length of the applicant's originalcredentialing or four years, whichever is less.
(d) An individualcurrently credentialed as an emergency medical dispatcher by a nationalcredentialing agency, or by another state where the education/credentialingrequirements have been approved for legal recognition by the Department ofHealth and Human Services, in accordance with rules issued by the Medical CareCommission, and who is either currently residing in North Carolina oraffiliated with an emergency medical dispatcher program approved by theDepartment of Health and Human Services offering service within North Carolina,may be eligible for credentialing as an emergency medical dispatcher withoutexamination. This credentialing shall be valid for a period not to exceed thelength of the applicant's original credentialing or four years, whichever isless.
(e) Duly authorizedrepresentatives of the Department may issue temporary credentials with orwithout examination upon finding that this action will be in the publicinterest. Temporary credentials shall be valid for a period not exceeding 90days.
(f) The Department maydeny, suspend, amend, or revoke the credentials of a medical responder,emergency medical technician, emergency medical technician‑intermediate,emergency medical technician‑paramedic, emergency medical dispatcher, oremergency medical services instructor in any case in which the Department findsthat there has been a substantial failure to comply with the provisions of thisArticle or the rules issued under this Article. Prior to implementation of anyof the above disciplinary actions, the Department shall consider therecommendations of the EMS Disciplinary Committee pursuant to G.S. 143‑519.The Department's decision to deny, suspend, amend, or revoke credentials may beappealed by the applicant or credentialed personnel pursuant to the provisionsof Article 3 of Chapter 150B of the General Statutes, the AdministrativeProcedure Act.
(g) An individual whoapplies for EMS credentials, seeks to renew EMS credentials, or holds EMScredentials is subject to a criminal background review by the Department. Atthe request of the Department, the Emergency Medical Services DisciplinaryCommittee, established by G.S. 143‑519, shall review criminal backgroundinformation and make a recommendation regarding the eligibility of anindividual to obtain initial EMS credentials, renew EMS credentials, ormaintain EMS credentials. The Department and the Emergency Medical ServicesDisciplinary Committee shall keep all information obtained pursuant to thissubsection confidential. The Medical Care Commission shall adopt rules toimplement the provisions of this subsection, including rules to establish areasonable fee to offset the actual costs of criminal history informationobtained pursuant to G.S. 114‑19.21. (1967, c. 343, s. 3; 1973, c. 476, s. 128; c. 725; c.1224, s. 1; 1975, c. 612; 1983, c. 775, s. 1; 1987, c. 495, s. 2; 1993, c. 135,s. 1; 1997‑443, ss. 11A.118(a), 11A.129E; 2001‑210, s. 1; 2003‑392,s. 2(b); 2007‑411, s. 1.)