Article 7A.
Statewide Trauma System Act of 1993.
§ 131E‑162. Statewide trauma system.
The Department shall establish and maintain a program for thedevelopment of a statewide trauma system. The Department shall consolidate allState functions relating to trauma systems, both regulatory and developmental,under the auspices of this program.
The Commission shall adopt rules to carry out the purpose of thisArticle. These rules shall be adopted with the advice of the State EmergencyMedical Services Advisory Council and shall include the operation of astatewide trauma registry, statewide educational requirements fundamental tothe implementation of the trauma system. The rules adopted by the Commissionshall establish guidelines for monitoring and evaluating the system includingstandards and criteria for the denial, suspension, voluntary withdrawal, orrevocation of credentials for trauma center designation, and the establishmentof regional trauma peer review committees. Each regional trauma peer review committeeshall be responsible for analyzing trauma patient care data and outcomemeasures to evaluate the ongoing quality of patient care, system performance,and medical direction within the regional trauma system. The committeemembership shall include physicians, nurses, EMS personnel, trauma registrars,and hospital administrators. Review of medical records by the Trauma PeerReview Committee is confidential and protected under G.S. 143‑518. ATrauma Peer Review Committee, its members, proceedings, records and materialsproduced, and materials considered shall be afforded the same protectionsafforded Medical Review Committees, their members, proceedings, records, andmaterials under G.S. 131E‑95. The rules adopted by the Commission shallavoid duplication of reporting and minimize the cost to hospitals or otherpersons reporting under this section. The Office of Emergency Medical Servicesshall be the agency responsible for monitoring system development, ensuringcompliance with rules, and overseeing system effectiveness.
With respect to collection of data and educational requirementsregarding trauma, rules adopted by the Medical Care Commission shall limit theauthority of the Department to hospitals and Emergency Medical Servicesproviders. Nothing in this Article shall be interpreted so as to grant theDepartment authority to require private physicians, schools, or universities,except those participating in the trauma system, to provide information or dataor to conduct educational programs regarding trauma. (1993, c. 336, s. 1; 2001‑210, s. 2; 2003‑392, s. 2(c).)