§ 131E‑267. Fees fordepartmental review of licensed health care facility or Medical Care Commissionbond‑financed construction projects.
(a) The Department ofHealth and Human Services shall charge a fee for the review of each health carefacility construction project to ensure that project plans and construction arein compliance with State law. The fee shall be charged on a one‑time, per‑projectbasis as provided in this section. In no event may a fee imposed under thissection exceed two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for any single project.The first seven hundred twelve thousand six hundred twenty‑six dollars($712,626) in fees collected under this section shall remain in the Division ofHealth Service Regulation. Additional fees collected shall be credited to theGeneral Fund as nontax revenue and are intended to offset rather than replaceappropriations made for this purpose.
(b) The fee imposed forthe review of a hospital construction project varies depending upon the squarefootage of the project:
Over UpTo Project Fee
0 5,000 $1,500plus $0.25 per square foot
5,000 10,000 $3,000plus $0.25 per square foot
10,000 20,000 $4,500plus $0.45 per square foot
20,000 NA $6,000plus $0.45 per square foot
(c) The fee imposed forthe review of a nursing home construction project varies depending upon thesquare footage of the project:
Over UpTo Project Fee
0 2,000 $250.00plus $0.15 per square foot
2,000 NA $500.00plus $0.25 per square foot
(d) The fee imposed forthe review of an ambulatory surgical facility construction project variesdepending upon the square footage of the project:
Over UpTo Project Fee
0 2,000 $200.00plus $0.15 per square foot
2,000 NA $400.00plus $0.25 per square foot
(e) The fee imposed forthe review of a psychiatric hospital construction project varies depending uponthe square footage of the project:
Over UpTo Project Fee
0 5,000 $750.00plus $0.25 per square foot
5,000 10,000 $1,500.00plus $0.25 per square foot
10,000 20,000 $2,250.00plus $0.45 per square foot
20,000 NA $3,000.00plus $0.45 per square foot
(f) The fee imposedfor the review of an adult care home construction project varies depending uponthe square footage of the project:
Over UpTo Project Fee
0 2,000 $175.00plus $0.10 per square foot
2,000 NA $350.00plus $0.20 per square foot
(g) The fee imposed forthe review of the following residential construction projects is:
Residential Project ProjectFee
Family Care Homes $225.00flat fee
ICF/MR Group Homes $350.00flat fee
Group Homes: 1‑3 beds $125.00flat fee
Group Homes: 4‑6 beds $225.00flat fee
Group Homes: 7‑9 beds $275.00flat fee
Other residential:
More than 9 beds $275.00plus $0.15 per square foot of project space.
(2003‑284,s. 34.11(a); 2005‑276, s. 41.2(j); 2006‑66, s. 10.22; 2007‑323,s. 30.5(a); 2008‑107, s. 29.5(a).)