Part 3. Hospital Privileges.
§ 131E‑85. Hospital privileges and procedures.
(a) The granting or denial of privileges to practice inhospitals to physicians licensed under Chapter 90 of the General Statutes,Article 1, dentists, optometrists, and podiatrists and the scope anddelineation of such privileges shall be determined by the governing body of thehospital on a non‑discriminatory basis. Such determinations shall bebased upon the applicant's education, training, experience, demonstratedcompetence and ability, and judgment and character of the applicant, and thereasonable objectives and regulations of the hospital, including, but notlimited to appropriate utilization of hospital facilities, in which privilegesare sought. Nothing in this Part shall be deemed to mandate hospitals to grantor deny to any such individuals or others privileges to practice in hospitals,or to offer or provide any type of care.
(b) The procedures to be followed by a licensed hospital inconsidering applications of dentists, optometrists, and podiatrists forprivileges to practice in such hospitals shall be similar to those applicableto applications of physicians licensed under Chapter 90 of the GeneralStatutes, Article 1. Such procedures shall be available upon request.
(c) In addition to the granting or denial of privileges, thegoverning body of each hospital may suspend, revoke, or modify privileges.
(d) All applicants or individuals who have privileges shallcomply with all applicable medical staff bylaws, rules and regulations,including the policies and procedures governing the qualifications ofapplicants and the scope and delineation of privileges.
(e) The Department shall not issue or renew a license under thisArticle unless the applicant has demonstrated that the procedures followed indetermining hospital privileges are in accordance with this Part and rules ofthe Department. (1981, c. 659, s.10; 1983, c. 775, s. 1; 1987, c. 859, s. 18; 1989, c. 446; 1997‑75, s.2.)