§ 131E‑87. Reports ofdisciplinary action; immunity from liability.
The chief administrativeofficer of each licensed hospital in the State shall report to the appropriateoccupational licensing board the details, as prescribed by the board, of anyrevocation, suspension, limitation, or voluntary reduction of privileges of ahealth care provider to practice in that hospital. Each hospital shall alsoreport to the board its medical staff resignations. Reports concerningphysician privileges and resignations shall be made in accordance with G.S. 90‑14.13.Any person making a report required by this section shall be immune from anyresulting criminal prosecution or civil liability unless the person knew thereport was false or acted in reckless disregard of whether the report wasfalse. (1983, c.775, s. 1; 1987, c. 859, s. 16; 2006‑144, s. 9.)