§ 131E‑9. Governing authority of hospital facilities.
(a) The governing body of a municipality may establish byresolution an office, board, or other municipal agency to plan, establish,construct, maintain, or operate a hospital facility. The resolution shallprescribe the powers, duties, compensation, and tenure of the members of thegoverning authority. The municipality shall remain responsible for the expensesof planning, establishment, construction, maintenance and operation of thehospital facilities.
(b) (1) The county board of commissioners of a county mayestablish by resolution a county hospital authority to plan, establish,construct, maintain, or operate a hospital facility. The authority shall bereferred to as "______ County Hospital Authority."
(2) The county hospital authority shall consist of six appointedmembers and one ex officio member.
(3) The appointed members of the authority shall be appointed bythe county board of commissioners. All appointed members shall be residents ofthe county. Three of the members shall be residents of a city in the county andthe remaining three members shall not be residents of the same city or citiesin which the other three members appointed under this subdivision reside.
(4) For the initial appointments to the county hospitalauthority, two of the members shall be appointed for a term of three years, twofor a term of four years, and two for a term of five years to achieve staggeredterms. All subsequent appointments shall be for five‑year terms.
(5) The ex officio member of the county hospital authority shallbe a member of the county board of commissioners. The ex officio member's termon the hospital authority shall be commensurate with his or her term as amember of the county board of commissioners.
(6) When any member of the county hospital authority resigns oris removed from office before the expiration of the member's term, the countyboard of commissioners shall appoint a person to serve the unexpired portion ofthe term.
(c) Any authority vested in a county under this Part or anyauthority or power that may be exercised by a hospital authority under theHospital Authorities Act, Chapter 131E, Article 2, Part B, may be vested byresolution of the county board of commissioners in a county hospital authorityestablished under this section. However, a county hospital authority shallexercise only the powers and duties prescribed in the county board ofcommissioners' resolution. The county board of commissioners shall determine inthe resolution the compensation, traveling and any other expenses which shallbe paid to each member of the county hospital authority. However, the expensesto plan, establish, construct and operate the hospital facility shall remainthe responsibility of the county. (1983, c. 775, s. 1.)