Article 5.
§ 131F‑30. Publicinformation; annual report.
(a) Public InformationProgram. The Department shall develop a public information program to furtherthe purposes of this Chapter. The purpose of the program is to help the publicrecognize unlawful, misleading, deceptive, or fraudulent solicitations and makeknowledgeable, informed decisions concerning contributions.
(b) Information to BeIncluded. The program shall include information concerning:
(1) The laws governingsolicitations, including licensing and disclosure requirements, prohibitedacts, and penalties.
(2) The means by whichthe public can report suspected violations or file a complaint.
(3) Any otherinformation the Department believes will assist the public in making knowledgeableand informed decisions concerning contributions.
(c) Annual Report. The Department shall prepare an annual report to be submitted to the Governor,the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representativesand to be made available to the public by publishing it on the Department's website, summarizing the information filed under this Chapter which the Departmentdetermines will assist the public in making informed and knowledgeabledecisions concerning contributions. The report shall include the following:
(1) A list of complaintsfiled for which violations were found to have occurred in each of the followingcategories: charitable organizations, sponsors, solicitors, and fund‑raisingconsultants.
(2) A list of the numberof investigations by the Department, enforcement actions commenced under thisChapter, and the disposition of those actions.
(3) A list of thosecharitable organizations and sponsors that have voluntarily submitted anaudited financial statement pursuant to G.S. 131F‑6(a)(10) or an auditwith an opinion prepared by an independent certified public accountant.
(4) A list of allsolicitors licensed under this Chapter and the fixed percentage of the grossrevenue that the charitable organization or sponsor will receive as a benefitfrom the solicitation campaign, the reasonable estimate of the percentage ofthe gross revenue that the charitable organization or sponsor will receive as abenefit from the solicitation campaign, or the guaranteed minimum percentage ofthe gross revenue that the charitable solicitation or sponsor will receive as abenefit from the solicitation campaign as provided in the contract between thesolicitor and the charitable organization or sponsor, whichever of these threeamounts is least. This list shall appear in order of percentages, from lowestto highest.
(d) Each yearimmediately following the submission of the report under subsection (c) of thissection, the Secretary of State shall issue that report as a press release toall print and electronic news media that provide general coverage. (1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c.759, s. 2; 2003‑373, s. 1.)