§ 131F‑8. License fees.
(a) Required Fees. Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this section, every charitableorganization or sponsor shall pay the following fees with each licenseapplication:
(1) Fifty dollars($50.00), if the contributions received for the last fiscal year were less thanone hundred thousand dollars ($100,000).
(2) One hundred dollars($100.00), if the contributions received for the last fiscal year were onehundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or more, but less than two hundred thousanddollars ($200,000).
(3) Two hundred dollars($200.00), if the contributions received for the last fiscal year were twohundred thousand dollars ($200,000) or more.
(b) Exemption. Alicensed charitable organization or sponsor that received less than fivethousand dollars ($5,000) in the last calendar or fiscal year shall not pay afee.
(c) ParentOrganization. A parent organization or association filing on behalf of one ormore chapters, branches, members, or affiliates shall pay a single license feefor itself and its other chapters, branches, members, or affiliates. Theselicense fees shall be imposed as follows:
(1) One hundred dollars($100.00) for a parent organization or association and one to five chapters,branches, members, or affiliates.
(2) Two hundred dollars($200.00) for a parent organization or association and 6 to 10 chapters,branches, members, or affiliates.
(3) Two hundred fiftydollars ($250.00) for a parent organization or association and 11 to 15chapters, branches, members, or affiliates.
(4) Four hundred dollars($400.00) for a parent organization or association and 16 or more chapters,branches, members, or affiliates.
(d) Late Filing. Acharitable organization or sponsor which fails to file the renewal informationby the due date may be assessed an additional fee for the late filing. The latefiling fee shall be established by rule of the Department and shall not exceedtwenty‑five dollars ($25.00) for each month or part of a month after thedate on which the information was due to be filed or after the period ofextension granted for the filing. (1981, c. 886, s. 1; 1993(Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 759, s. 2.)