§ 132‑1.2. Confidentialinformation.
Nothing in this Chapter shallbe construed to require or authorize a public agency or its subdivision todisclose any information that:
(1) Meets all of thefollowing conditions:
a. Constitutes a"trade secret" as defined in G.S. 66‑152(3).
b. Is the property of aprivate "person" as defined in G.S. 66‑152(2).
c. Is disclosed orfurnished to the public agency in connection with the owner's performance of apublic contract or in connection with a bid, application, proposal, industrialdevelopment project, or in compliance with laws, regulations, rules, orordinances of the United States, the State, or political subdivisions of theState.
d. Is designated orindicated as "confidential" or as a "trade secret" at thetime of its initial disclosure to the public agency.
(2) Reveals an accountnumber for electronic payment as defined in G.S. 147‑86.20 and obtainedpursuant to Articles 6A or 6B of Chapter 147 of the General Statutes or G.S.159‑32.1.
(3) Reveals a document,file number, password, or any other information maintained by the Secretary ofState pursuant to Article 21 of Chapter 130A of the General Statutes.
(4) Reveals theelectronically captured image of an individual's signature, date of birth,drivers license number, or a portion of an individual's social security numberif the agency has those items because they are on a voter registrationdocument.
(5) Reveals the seal ofa licensed design professional who is licensed under Chapter 83A or Chapter 89Cof the General Statutes that has been submitted for project approval to (i) amunicipality under Part 5 of Article 19 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutesor (ii) to a county under Part 4 of Article 18 of Chapter 153A of the GeneralStatutes. Notwithstanding this exemption, a municipality or county thatreceives a request for a document submitted for project approval that containsthe seal of a licensed design professional who is licensed under Chapter 83A orChapter 89C of the General Statutes and that is otherwise a public record byG.S. 132‑1 shall allow a copy of the document without the seal of thelicensed design professional to be examined and copied, consistent with anyrules adopted by the licensing board under Chapter 83A or Chapter 89C of theGeneral Statutes regarding an unsealed document. (1989, c. 269; 1991, c. 745,s. 3; 1999‑434, s. 7; 2001‑455, s. 2; 2001‑513, s. 30(b);2003‑226, s. 5; 2004‑127, s. 17(b); 2009‑346, s. 1.)