§ 132‑1.7. Sensitivepublic security information.
(a) Public records, asdefined in G.S. 132‑1, shall not include information containing specificdetails of public security plans and arrangements or the detailed plans anddrawings of public buildings and infrastructure facilities.
(b) Public records asdefined in G.S. 132‑1 do not include plans to prevent or respond toterrorist activity, to the extent such records set forth vulnerability and riskassessments, potential targets, specific tactics, or specific security oremergency procedures, the disclosure of which would jeopardize the safety ofgovernmental personnel or the general public or the security of anygovernmental facility, building, structure, or information storage system.
(c) Information relatingto the general adoption of public security plans and arrangements, andbudgetary information concerning the authorization or expenditure of publicfunds to implement public security plans and arrangements, or for theconstruction, renovation, or repair of public buildings and infrastructurefacilities shall be public records. (2001‑516, s. 3; 2003‑180, s. 1.)