§ 135‑51. Scope.
(a) This Articleprovides consolidated retirement benefits for all justices and judges, districtattorneys, and solicitors who are serving on January 1, 1974, and who becomesuch thereafter; and for all clerks of superior court who are so serving onJanuary 1, 1975, and who become such after that date; and for all publicdefenders who are serving on July 1, 2007, and who become public defendersafter that date; and for the Director of Indigent Defense Services who isserving on July 1, 2008, and those who become Director of Indigent DefenseServices after that date.
(b) For justices andjudges of the appellate and superior court divisions of the General Court ofJustice who so served prior to January 1, 1974, the provisions of this Article supplementand, under certain circumstances, replace the provisions of Articles 6 and 8,as the case may be, of Chapter 7A of the General Statutes.
For district attorneys andjudges of the district court of the General Court of Justice who so servedprior to January 1, 1974, the provisions of this Article supplement and, undercertain circumstances, replace the provisions of Article 1 of this Chapter.
For clerks of superior courtof the General Court of Justice who so served prior to January 1, 1975, the provisionsof this Article supplement and, under certain circumstances, replace theprovisions of Article 1 of this Chapter.
(c) The retirementbenefits of any person who becomes a justice or judge, district attorney, orsolicitor on and after January 1, 1974, or clerk of superior court on and afterJanuary 1, 1975, or public defender on or after July 1, 2007, or the Directorof Indigent Defense Services on or after July 1, 2008, shall be determinedsolely in accordance with the provisions of this Article. (1973, c. 640, s. 1; 1983(Reg. Sess., 1984), c. 1031, s. 4; 2005‑276, s. 29.30A(b); 2005‑345,s. 42; 2007‑323, s. 28.21B(b); 2008‑107, s. 26.24(b).)