§135‑5.2. Chapel Hill utilities and telephone employees.
Notwithstanding any otherprovision to the contrary, all persons employed by Chapel Hill TelephoneCompany or University Service Plants at the time the Chapel Hill telephoneservices and utilities services are sold to the Southern Bell Company and DukePower Company respectively, shall be entitled to retire upon early retirementafter 30 years of combined service with the Teachers' and State Employees'Retirement System and either Southern Bell or Duke Power Company. An employeemust have had at least five years' service with the Teachers' and StateEmployees' Retirement System and at least five years with either Southern Bellor Duke Power Company in order to be eligible for benefits under this provision.This provision is in addition to any other retirement benefits or privilegesthe employee may have under the Teachers' and State Employees' RetirementSystem. (1977, c. 1007.)