§136‑107. Time for filing answer.
Any person named in and servedwith a complaint and declaration of taking shall have 12 months from the dateof service thereof to file answer. Failure to answer within said time shallconstitute an admission that the amount deposited is just compensation andshall be a waiver of any further proceeding to determine just compensation; insuch event the judge shall enter final judgment in the amount deposited andorder disbursement of the money deposited to the owner. Provided, however, atany time prior to the entry of the final judgment the judge may, for good causeshown and after notice to the plaintiff, extend the time for filing answer for30 days. Provided that when the procedures of Article 9 of Chapter 136 are employedby the Department of Administration, any person named in or served with acomplaint and declaration of taking shall have 120 days from the date ofservice thereof within which to file an answer. (1959, c. 1025, s. 2; 1973,c. 507, s. 5; 1975, c. 625; 1981, c. 245, s. 2.)