§136‑140.1. Adopt‑A‑Highway.
(a) Notwithstanding anyother provision of this Article, the Department of Transportation may permitindividuals or groups participating in its Adopt‑A‑Highway Programaccess to controlled access facilities for the purpose of removing litter fromthe right‑of‑way. Acknowledgment of participation in the programmay be indicated by appropriate signs that shall be owned, controlled, anderected by the Department of Transportation. The size, style, specifications,and content of the signs shall be determined in the sole discretion of theDepartment of Transportation. The Department of Transportation may issue rulesand policies necessary to administer the program.
(b) Adopt‑A‑Highwayparticipants may use contract services to clean the roadside of the sections ofhighway the participants have adopted only in accordance with the rules andpolicies issued by the Department of Transportation. (1995,c. 324, s. 18.1.)