§ 136‑140.19. Department to adopt rules to implement the TODS program.
The Department shall adoptrules to implement the TODS program created by this Article. The rules shallinclude all of the following:
(1) The Department shallset fees to cover the initial costs of signs, sign maintenance, andadministering the program.
(2) The Department shallestablish a standard for the size, color, and letter height of the TODS asspecified in the National Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streetsand Highways.
(3) TODS shall not beplaced more than five miles from the business or facility.
(4) TODS shall not beplaced where prohibited by local ordinance.
(5) The number of TODSpanels shall not exceed six per intersection with only one business or facilityon each panel.
(6) If a business orfacility is not directly on a State highway, it is eligible for TODS panelsonly if both of the following requirements are met:
a. It is located on astreet that directly connects with a State road.
b. It is located sothat only one directional sign, placed on a State road, will lead the touristto the business or facility.
(7) A TODS shall not beplaced immediately in advance of the business or facility if the business orfacility and its on‑premise advertising signs are readily visible fromthe roadway.
(8) The Department shalllimit the placement of TODS to highways other than fully controlled accesshighways and to rural areas in and around towns or cities with a population ofless than 40,000. (2001‑383,s. 1.)