§ 136‑180. Urban loops.
(a) Funds allocatedfrom the Trust Fund for urban loops may be used only for the following urbanloops:
Loop Description Counties
Asheville Western Loop Multilanefacility on new Buncombe
locationfrom I‑26 west of
Ashevilleto US‑19/23 north
ofAsheville for the purpose
ofconnecting these roads.
Thefunds may be used to
improveexisting corridors.
Charlotte Outer Loop Multilanefacility encircling Mecklenburg
Cityof Charlotte including
6‑laningof the portion from
JohnstonRoad/US 521 south
toI‑77 south of Charlotte‑
includingwidening, resurface,
Durham Northern Loop Theprojects listed below Durham, Wake
areeligible for funding
underthis section as part of
theDurham Northern Loop.
Thepriorities for planning
andconstructing these projects
willbe established by mutual
agreementof the Metropolitan
PlanningOrganization (MPO)
andthe Department of
Transportationthrough the
Programdevelopment process.
Thecross sections for these
projectswill be established
bymutual agreement of the
MPOand the Department of
Transportationthrough the
Stateand federal environmental
reviewprocess. (1) East end
connector,from N.C. 147 to
U.S.70 East. (2) U.S. 70, from
LynnRd. to the Northern
DurhamParkway. (3) I‑85,
fromU.S. 70 to Red Mill Rd.
(4)Northern Durham Parkway,
SectionB, from Old Oxford
Rd.to I‑85. (5) Northern
DurhamParkway, Section A,
fromI‑85 to I‑540. (6)
NorthernDurham Parkway,
SectionC, from Old Oxford
Rd.to Roxboro Rd. (7)
RoxboroRd. from Duke St.
toGoodwin Rd.
Fayetteville Western Multilanefacility on new Cumberland
Outer Loop locationfrom US 401 north
ofFayetteville to I‑95
southof Hope Mills
Gastonia Loop Multilanefacility known Gaston, Mecklenburg
asthe Garden Parkway,
ona new location
beginningat I‑485,
extendingwest across
southernGaston County
toI‑85, and continuing
northto US 321
Greensboro Loop Multilanefacility on new Guilford
locationencircling City of
interchangeswith Cone
BoulevardExtension and
Greenville Loop Multilaneextension of Pitt
theGreenville Loop from
US264 west of Greenville
toNC‑11 south of Winterville
Raleigh Outer Loop Multilanefacility on new Wake, Durham,
locationencircling City Johnston
Wilmington Bypass Multilanefacility on new New Hanover
locationfrom US‑17 northeast
ofWilmington to US 421
insouthern Wilmington,
continuingfrom US 421
insouthern Wilmington
northeastalong Independence
Blvd.,and extending to
MartinLuther King, Jr.
Parkway,and including
theBlue Clay Road
Winston‑Salem Northbelt Multilanefacility on new Forsyth
locationfrom I‑40 west of
Winston‑Salemnortherly to
US311/Future I‑74 in eastern
(b) The Board ofTransportation may, by official resolution, accept a new interstate or freewayas the revised termini of an urban loop described in subsection (a) of thissection, and the revised project shall be eligible for funding with fundsdescribed in G.S. 136‑176(b)(2) if the following conditions are met:
(1) The Department ofTransportation has constructed a new interstate or freeway facility since 1989and has changed the official route designation from the termini described insubsection (a) of this section to the new facility.
(2) The Board ofTransportation finds that the purposes of the urban loop facility, specificallyincluding reduced congestion and high‑speed, safe, regional through‑travelservice, would be enhanced by the action.
(1989,c. 692, s. 1.1; 2002‑126, s. 26.10(a); 2003‑284, s. 29.11(a); 2004‑124,s. 30.19; 2004‑148, s. 4.)