§136‑200.3. Additional provisions applicable to consolidated metropolitanplanning organizations.
(a) Limit on Basis forProject Objection. Beginning with the 2004 State Transportation ImprovementProgram, neither the State nor a consolidated metropolitan planningorganization shall have a basis to object to a project that is proposed forfunding in the Transportation Improvement Program, provided that the projectdoes not affect projects previously programmed, if the project is included in amutually adopted plan developed pursuant to G.S. 136‑66.2, and isconsistent with the project selection criteria contained in the memorandum ofunderstanding creating the consolidated metropolitan planning organization.
(b) Project RankingPriorities. Beginning with the 2004 State Transportation Improvement Program,and subject to the availability of funding, the Department of Transportation,when developing the Transportation Improvement Program, shall abide by theproject ranking priorities approved by a:
(1) Consolidatedmetropolitan planning organization for any project within its jurisdiction, ifthe project is not a National Highway System or bridge and Interstatemaintenance program project.
(2) Regionaltransportation authority created pursuant to Article 27 of Chapter 160A of theGeneral Statutes, for any project that all metropolitan planning organizationswithin the authority's jurisdiction have delegated responsibility, if theproject is not a National Highway System or bridge and Interstate maintenance programproject. (2000‑80, s. 6.)