§136‑44.14. Curb ramps or curb cuts for handicapped persons.
(a) Curbs constructedon each side of any street or road, where curbs and sidewalks are provided andat other major points of pedestrian flow, shall meet the following minimumrequirements:
(1) No less than twocurb ramps or curb cuts shall be provided per lineal block, located atintersections.
(2) In no case, shallthe width of a curb ramp or curb cut be less than 40 inches.
(3) The maximum gradientof such curb ramps or curb cuts shall be eight and thirty‑three one‑hundredthspercent (8.33%) (12 inches slope for every one‑inch rise) in relationshipto the grade of the street or road.
(4) One curb ramp orcurb cut may be provided under special conditions between each radius point ofa street turnout of an intersection, if adequate provisions are made to preventvehicular traffic from encroaching on the ramp.
(b) Minimumrequirements for curb ramps or curb cuts under subsection (a) shall be met (i)in the initial construction of such curbs, and (ii) whenever such curbs arereconstructed, including, but not limited to, reconstruction for maintenanceprocedures and traffic operations, repair, or correction of utilities.
(c) The Department ofTransportation, Division of Highways, Highway Design Section, is authorized anddirected to develop guidelines to implement this Article in consultation withthe Governor's Study Committee on Architectural Barriers (or the Committee onBarrier‑Free Design of the Governor's Committee on Employment of theHandicapped if the Governor's Study Committee on Architectural Barriers ceasesto exist). All curb ramps or curb cuts constructed or reconstructed in NorthCarolina shall conform to the guidelines of the Highway Design Section.
(d) The Department ofTransportation, Division of Highways, Highway Design Section, is authorized anddirected to provide free copies of this Article together with implementaryguidelines and standards, to municipal and county governments and publicutilities operating within the State. (1973, c. 718, ss. 1‑4.)