Article 3.
State Highway System.
Part 1. Highway System.
§ 136‑45. Generalpurpose of law; control, repair and maintenance of highways.
The general purpose of thelaws creating the Department of Transportation is that said Department ofTransportation shall take over, establish, construct, and maintain a statewidesystem of hard‑surfaced and other dependable highways running to allcounty seats, and to all principal towns, State parks, and principal Stateinstitutions, and linking up with state highways of adjoining states and withnational highways into national forest reserves by the most practical routes,with special view of development of agriculture, commercial and naturalresources of the State, and, except as otherwise provided by law, for the furtherpurpose of permitting the State to assume control of the State highways,repair, construct, and reconstruct and maintain said highways at the expense ofthe entire State, and to relieve the counties and cities and towns of the Stateof this burden. (1921,c. 2, s. 2; C.S., s. 3846(a); 1943, c. 410; 1957, c. 65, s. 11; 1973, c. 507,s. 5; 1977, c. 464, s. 7.1; 2007‑428, s. 2.)