§136‑88. Authority of county commissioners with regard to ferries andtoll bridges; rights and liabilities of owners of ferries or toll bridges notunder supervision of Department of Transportation.
Subject to the provisions ofG.S. 136‑67, 136‑99, and 153‑ 198, the boards ofcommissioners of the several counties are vested, in regard to theestablishment, operation, maintenance, and supervision of ferries and tollbridges on public roads not under the supervision and control of the Departmentof Transportation, with all the power and authority regarding ferries and tollbridges vested by law in county commissioners on the thirty‑first day ofMarch, 1931. And the owners or operators of ferries or toll bridges not underthe supervision and control of the Department of Transportation shall beentitled to the same rights, powers, and privileges, and subject to the sameduties, responsibilities and liabilities, to which owners or operators offerries or toll bridges were entitled or were subject on the thirty‑firstday of March, 1931. (1957, c. 65, s. 11; 1973, c. 507, s. 5; 1977, c. 464,s. 7.1.)