§ 136‑89.198. Authorityto toll existing interstate highways.
(a) General. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, the Authority may collecttolls on any existing interstate highway for which the United States Departmentof Transportation has granted permission by permit, or any other lawful means,to do so. The revenue generated from the collected tolls shall be used by theAuthority to repair and maintain the interstate on which the tolls werecollected. These revenues shall not be used to repair, maintain, or upgrade anyState primary or secondary road adjacent to or connected with the interstatehighways.
(b) Method. TheAuthority shall establish toll locations on the permitted interstate highway inaccordance with federal guidelines. Toll locations shall be erected at or nearthe borders of the State and at such other locations that are notimpracticable, unfeasible, or that would result in an unsafe or hazardouscondition.
(c) Severability. Ifany provision of this section or its application is held invalid, theinvalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this sectionthat can be given effect without the invalid provisions or application, and tothis end the provisions of this section are severable. (2005‑276, s. 28.21(b).)