§ 136‑89.213. Administration of tolls and requirements for open road tolls.
(a) Administration. TheAuthority is responsible for collecting tolls on Turnpike projects. Inexercising its authority under G.S. 136‑89.183 to perform or procureservices required by the Authority, the Authority may contract with one or moreproviders to perform part or all of the collection functions and may enter intoagreements to exchange information that identifies motor vehicles and theirowners with one or more of the following entities: the Division of MotorVehicles of the Department of Transportation, another state, another tolloperator, or a toll collection‑related organization. Identifyinginformation obtained by the Authority through an agreement is not a public recordand is subject to the disclosure limitations in 18 U.S.C. § 2721, the federalDriver's Privacy Protection Act.
(b) Open Road Tolls. Ifa Turnpike project uses an open road tolling system, the Authority must operatea facility that is in the immediate vicinity of the Turnpike project and thataccepts cash payment of the toll and must place signs on the Turnpike projectthat give drivers the following information:
(1) Notice that thedriver is approaching a highway for which a toll is required. Signs providingthis information must be placed before the toll is incurred.
(2) The methods by whichthe toll may be paid.
(3) Directions to thenearby facility that accepts cash payment of the toll. (2008‑225, s. 2.)