§136‑97. Responsibility of counties for upkeep, etc., terminated.
(a) The board of countycommissioners or other road‑governing bodies of the various counties inthe State are hereby relieved of all responsibility or liability for the upkeepor maintenance of any of the roads or bridges thereon constituting the Statehighway system, after the same shall have been taken over, and the controlthereof assumed by the Department of Transportation.
(b) The Department ofTransportation, as part of maintaining the highways, bridges, and watercoursesof this State, may haul all debris removed from on, under, or around a bridgeto an appropriate disposal site for solid waste, where the debris shall bedisposed of in accordance with law. (1921, c. 2, s. 50; C.S., s. 3846(dd);1933, c. 172, s. 17; 1957, c. 65, s. 11; 1973, c. 507, ss. 5, 20; 1977, c. 464,s. 7.1; 1989, c. 752, s. 102; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1066, s. 139; 1991,c. 689, s. 209.)