§ 138‑6. Travelallowances of State officers and employees.
(a) Travel on officialbusiness by the officers and employees of State departments, institutions andagencies which operate from funds deposited with the State Treasurer shall bereimbursed at the following rates:
(1) For transportationby privately owned automobile, the business standard mileage rate set by theInternal Revenue Service per mile of travel and the actual cost of tolls paid.Any other law which sets a mileage rate by referring to the rate set herein,instead establishes a rate of twenty‑five cents (25¢) per mile. Noreimbursement shall be made for the use of a personal car in commuting from anemployee's home to his duty station in connection with regularly scheduled workhours.
(2) For bus, railroad,Pullman, or other conveyance, actual fare.
(3) For expensesincurred for subsistence, payment of eighty‑one dollars ($81.00) per daywhen traveling in‑state or ninety‑three dollars ($93.00) per daywhen traveling out‑of‑state. Payment of sales tax, lodging tax,local tax, or service fees applied to the cost of lodging are to be paid inaddition to the daily subsistence amount. The employee may exceed the part ofthe ceiling allocated for lodging without approval for overexpenditure providedthat the total lodging and food reimbursement does not exceed the maximumprovided by this subdivision. When travel involves less than a full day (24‑hourperiod), a reasonable prorated amount shall be paid in accordance withregulations and criteria which shall be promulgated and published by theDirector of the Budget. Reimbursement to State employees for lunches eatenwhile on official business may be made only in the following circumstances:
a. When an overnightstay is required reimbursement is allowed while an employee is in travelstatus;
b. When the cost of thelunch is included as part of a registration fee for a formal congress,conference, assembly, or convocation, by whatever name called. Such assemblymust involve the active participation of persons other than the employees of asingle State department, institution, or agency and must be necessary forconducting official State business; or
c. When the Stateemployee is a member of, or providing staff assistance to, a State board,commission, committee, or council which operates from funds deposited with theState Treasurer, and the lunch is preplanned as part of the meeting for theentire board, commission, committee, or council.
(4) For conventionregistration fees not to exceed the actual amount expended as shown by a validreceipt or invoice.
(5) Effective July 1,2001, and effective July 1 of each odd‑numbered year thereafter, theDirector of the Budget shall revise the amounts of payment of subsistence perday when traveling in‑State and out‑of‑state by an amountequal to the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for All UrbanConsumers for the most recent 24‑month period.
(b) Out‑of‑statetravel on official business by the officers and employees of State departments,institutions, and agencies which operate from funds deposited with the StateTreasurer shall be reimbursed only upon authorization obtained in the mannerprescribed by the Director of the Budget.
(c) Reimbursement ofactual costs of overnight lodging, whether in‑state or out‑of‑state,must be documented by a receipt of actual lodging expenses from a commercialestablishment. This documentation shall be attached to the reimbursementrequest. All reimbursement requests shall be filed for approval and paymentwithin 30 days after the travel period for which the reimbursement is beingrequested. (1961,c. 833, s. 6; 1963, c. 1049, s. 2; 1965, c. 1089; 1969, c. 1153; 1971, c. 881,ss. 1, 2; 1973, c. 595, s. 1; c. 1456; 1975, c. 892, s. 1; 1977, c. 928; 1977,2nd Sess., c. 1136, s. 38.1; c. 1237, ss. 1, 2; 1979, c. 34, s. 1; c. 1002, s.1; c. 1050, s. 1; 1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1137, s. 26; 1981, c. 859, ss. 57‑59;1983, c. 761, s. 22; c. 913, s. 27; c. 923, s. 217; 1985, c. 757, s. 201(a);1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1014, s. 39(b); 1987, c. 738, ss. 58(c), 58(d), 60;1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1086, s. 30(a); c. 1100, s. 38(a); 1993, c. 321, s.24(a); 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 769, s. 7.27A; 1998‑212, s. 28.20(a);1999‑237, s. 28.20; 2000‑140, s. 93.1(a); 2001‑424, s.12.2(b); 2007‑322, s. 8.)