§ 138A‑14. Ethicseducation program.
(a) The Commissionshall develop and implement an ethics education and awareness program designedto instill in all covered persons and their immediate staffs, and legislativeemployees, a keen and continuing awareness of their ethical obligations and asensitivity to situations that might result in real or potential conflicts ofinterest.
(b) The Commissionshall make basic ethics education and awareness presentations to all publicservants and their immediate staffs, upon their election, appointment, oremployment, and shall offer periodic refresher presentations as the Commissiondeems appropriate. Every public servant shall participate in an ethicspresentation approved by the Commission within six months of the publicservant's election, reelection, appointment, or employment, and shall attendrefresher ethics education presentations at least every two years thereafter ina manner as the Commission deems appropriate.
(b1) A public servantappointed to a board determined and designated as nonadvisory under G.S. 138A‑10(a)(3)shall attend an ethics presentation approved by the Commission within sixmonths of notification of the designation by the Commission and at least everytwo years thereafter in a manner as the Commission deems appropriate.
(c) The Commission,jointly with the Committee, shall make basic ethics education and awarenesspresentations to all legislators and legislative employees upon their election,reelection, appointment, or employment and shall offer periodic refresherpresentations as the Commission and the Committee deem appropriate. Everylegislator shall participate in an ethics presentation approved by theCommission and Committee within two months of either the convening of theGeneral Assembly to which the legislator is elected or within two months of thelegislator's appointment, whichever is later. Every legislative employee shallparticipate in an ethics presentation approved by the Commission and Committeewithin three months of employment, and shall attend refresher ethics educationpresentations at least every two years thereafter, in a manner as theCommission and Committee deem appropriate.
(d) Upon request, theCommission shall assist each agency in developing in‑house educationprograms and procedures necessary or desirable to meet the agency's particularneeds for ethics education, conflict identification, and conflict avoidance.
(e) Each agency headshall designate an ethics liaison who shall maintain active communication withthe Commission on all agency ethical issues. The ethics liaison shall attendethics education and awareness programs as provided under this section andlobbying education and awareness programs as provided under G.S. 120C‑103and continuously assess and advise the Commission of any issues or conductwhich might reasonably be expected to result in a conflict of interest and seekadvice and rulings from the Commission as to their appropriate resolution.
(f) The Commissionshall publish a newsletter containing summaries of the Commission's opinions,policies, procedures, and interpretive bulletins as issued from time to time.The newsletter shall be distributed to all covered persons and legislativeemployees. Publication under this subsection may be done electronically.
(g) The Commissionshall assemble and maintain a collection of relevant State laws, rules, andregulations that set forth ethical standards applicable to covered persons.This collection shall be made available electronically as resource material topublic servants, and ethics liaisons, upon request.
(h) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑549, s. 12, effective August 28, 2009.
(i) This section shallnot apply to judicial officers. (2006‑201, s. 1; 2007‑347, s. 9(a); 2008‑213,ss. 59, 60; 2009‑10, s. 4; 2009‑549, s. 12.)