§ 138A‑23. Statementsof economic interest as public records.
(a) The statements ofeconomic interest filed by prospective public servants under this Article forappointed or employed positions and written evaluations by the Commission ofthese statements are not public records until the prospective public servant isappointed or employed by the State. All other statements of economic interestand all other written evaluations by the Commission of those statements arepublic records.
(b) The statements of economicinterest filed by prospective public servants, and the written evaluations bythe Commission of those statements, for individuals elected by the GeneralAssembly shall be provided to the chair of the standing committee handling thelegislation regarding the election and made available to all members of theGeneral Assembly. The statements of economic interest filed by public servantselected to positions by the General Assembly, and written evaluations by theCommission of those statements, are not public records until the prospectivepublic servant is sworn into office.
(c) The statements ofeconomic interest filed by prospective public servants, and the writtenevaluations by the Commission of those statements, for individuals confirmedfor appointment as a public servant by the General Assembly shall be providedto the chair of the standing committee handling the legislation regarding theappointment. The statements of economic interest filed by prospective publicservants for confirmation for appointment by the General Assembly, and writtenevaluations by the Commission of those statements, are public records at thetime of the announcement of the appointment. (2006‑201, s. 1; 2007‑347, s. 10; 2008‑213,ss. 65, 66.)