State Boundaries.
§ 141‑1. Governor tocause boundaries to be established and protected.
The Governor of North Carolinais hereby authorized to appoint two competent commissioners and a surveyor anda sufficient number of chainbearers, on the part of the State of NorthCarolina, to act with the commissioners or surveyors appointed or to beappointed by any of the contiguous states of Virginia, Tennessee, SouthCarolina, and Georgia, to return and remark, by some permanent monuments atconvenient intervals, not greater than five miles, the boundary lines betweenthis State and any of the said states.
The Governor is alsoauthorized, whenever in his judgment it shall be deemed necessary to protector establish the boundary lines between this State and any other state, toinstitute and prosecute in the name of the State of North Carolina any and allsuch actions, suits, or proceedings at law or in equity, and to direct theAttorney General or such other person as he may designate to conduct and prosecutesuch actions, suits, or proceedings. (1881, c. 347, s. 1; Code, s.2289; 1889, c. 475, s. 1; Rev., s. 5315; 1909, c. 51, s. 1; C.S., s. 7396.)