§141‑7.1. Southern lateral seaward boundary.
The lateral seaward boundarybetween North Carolina and South Carolina from the low‑water mark of theAtlantic Ocean shall be and is hereby designated as a continuation of the NorthCarolina‑South Carolina boundary line as described by monuments locatedat Latitude 33° 51' 50.7214" North, Longitude 78° 33' 22.9448" West,at Latitude 33° 51' 36.4626" North, Longitude 78° 33' 06.1937" West,and at Latitude 33° 51' 07.8792" North, Longitude 78° 32' 32.6210"West, in a straight line projection of said line to the seaward limits of theStates' territorial jurisdiction, such line to be extended on the same bearinginsofar as a need for further delimitation may arise. (1979,c. 894; 1981, c. 744.)