§142‑8. Application of §§ 142‑1 to 142‑9.
General Statutes 142‑1to 142‑9, both inclusive, as amended, shall be applicable to all bonds orcertificates of the State heretofore issued and now outstanding, and to allbonds or certificates of the State that may hereafter be issued in accordancewith any law now in force or hereafter to be enacted. However, any provisionsof G.S. 142‑1 to G.S. 142‑9 in conflict with the "RegisteredPublic Obligations Act", Chapter 159E of the General Statutes, shall notapply. (Code, s. 3570; 1887, c. 287, s. 3; Rev., s. 5028;C.S., s. 7408; Ex. Sess. 1921, c. 66, s. 7; 1965, c. 181, s. 2; 1983, c. 322,s. 2.)