§ 143‑134. Applicable to Department of Transportation and Department of Correction;exceptions.
This Article shall apply to the Department of Transportation and theDepartment of Correction except in the construction of roads, bridges and theirapproaches; provided however, that whenever the Director of the Budgetdetermines that the repair or construction of a building by the Department ofTransportation or by the Department of Correction can be done more economicallythrough use of employees of the Department of Transportation and/or prisoninmates than by letting such repair or building construction to contract, theprovisions of this Article shall not apply to such repair or construction. (1933, c. 400, s. 3‑A; 1955, c. 572; 1957, c.65, s. 11; 1967, c. 860; c. 996, s. 13; 1973, c. 507, s. 5; 1977, c. 464, s.34.)