§ 143‑143.11B. Continuing education.
(a) The Board mayestablish programs and requirements of continuing education for licensees, butshall not require licensees to complete more than eight credit hours ofcontinuing education. Before the renewal of a license, a licensee shall presentevidence to the Board that the licensee has completed the required number ofcontinuing education hours in courses approved by the Board during the twomonths immediately preceding the expiration of the licensee's license. Nomember of the Board shall provide or sponsor a continuing education courseunder this section while that person is serving on the Board.
(b) The Board mayestablish nonrefundable fees for the purpose of providing staff and resourcesto administer continuing education programs, and may establish nonrefundablecourse application fees, not to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), forthe Board's review and approval of proposed continuing education courses. TheBoard may charge the sponsor of an approved course a nonrefundable fee not toexceed seventy‑five dollars ($75.00) for the annual renewal of courseapproval. The Board may also require a course sponsor to pay a fee, not toexceed five dollars ($5.00) per credit hour per licensee, for each licensee completingan approved continuing education course conducted by the sponsor. The Board mayaward continuing education credit for a course that has not been approved bythe Board or for related educational activity and may prescribe the proceduresfor a licensee to submit information on the course or related educationalactivity for continuing education credit. The Board may charge the licensee afee not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) for each course or activity submitted.
(c) The Board may adoptany reasonable rules not inconsistent with this Part to give purpose and effectto the continuing education requirement, including rules that govern:
(1) The content andsubject matter of continuing education courses.
(2) The criteria,standards, and procedures for the approval of courses, course sponsors, andcourse instructors.
(3) The methods ofinstruction.
(4) The computation ofcourse credit.
(5) The ability to carryforward course credit from one year to another.
(6) The waiver of orvariance from the continuing education requirement for hardship or otherreasons.
(7) The procedures forcompliance and sanctions for noncompliance.
(d) The license of anyperson who fails to comply with the continuing education requirements underthis section shall lapse. The Board may, for good cause shown, grant extensionsof time to licensees to comply with these requirements. Any licensee who, afterobtaining an extension, offers evidence satisfactory to the Board that he orshe has satisfactorily completed the required continuing education coursesshall be deemed in compliance with this section.
(e) A manufactured homemanufacturer or manufacturer is exempt from the requirements of this section. (1999‑393, s. 1; 2001‑421,s. 2.2; 2005‑451, s. 1.)