§ 143‑151.13A. Professional development programfor officials.
(a) As used in this section, "official" means aqualified Code‑enforcement official as that term is defined in G.S. 143‑151.8.
(b) The Board may establish professional developmentrequirements for officials as a condition of the renewal or reactivation oftheir certificates. The purposes of these professional development requirementsare to assist officials in maintaining professional competence in theirenforcement of the Code and to assure the health, safety, and welfare of thecitizens of North Carolina. An official subject to this section shall presentevidence to the Board at each certificate renewal after initial certification,that during the 12 months before the certificate expiration date, the officialhas completed the required number of credit hours in courses approved by theBoard. Annual continuing education hour requirements shall be determined by theBoard but shall not be more than six credit hours.
(c) The Board may require an individual who earns a certificateunder programs established in G.S. 143‑151.13 to complete professionaldevelopment courses, not to exceed six hours in each technical area ofcertification, within one year after that individual is first employed by acity or county inspection department.
(d) As a condition of reactivating a standard or limitedcertificate, the Board may require the completion of professional developmentcourses within one year after reemployment as an official as follows:
(1) An individual who has been on inactive status for more thantwo years and who has not been continuously employed by a city or countyinspection department during the period of inactive status shall completeprofessional development courses not to exceed 12 hours for each technical areain which the individual is certified.
(2) An individual who has been on inactive status for more thantwo years and who has been continuously employed by a city or county inspectiondepartment during the period of inactive status shall complete professionaldevelopment courses not to exceed six hours for each technical area in whichthe individual is certified.
(3) An individual who has been on inactive status for two yearsor less shall complete professional development courses not to exceed fourhours for each technical area in which the individual is certified.
(e) The Board may, for good cause shown, grant extensions oftime to officials to comply with these requirements. An official who, afterobtaining an extension under this subsection, offers evidence satisfactory tothe Board that the official has satisfactorily completed the requiredprofessional development courses, is in compliance with this section.
(f) The Board may adopt rules to implement this section,including rules that govern:
(1) The content and subject matter of professional developmentcourses.
(2) The criteria, standards, and procedures for the approval ofcourses, course sponsors, and course instructors.
(3) The methods of instruction.
(4) The computation of course credit.
(5) The ability to carry‑forward course credit from oneyear to another.
(6) The waiver of or variance from the professional developmentrequired for hardship or other reasons.
(7) The procedures for compliance and sanctions fornoncompliance. (2005‑102, s. 1.)