§ 143‑151.20. Donations and appropriations.
(a) In addition to appropriations made by the General Assembly,the Board may accept for any of its purposes and functions under this Articleany and all donations, both real and personal, and grants of money from anygovernmental unit or public agency, or from any institution, person, firm orcorporation, and may receive, utilize, disburse and transfer the same, subjectto the approval of the Council of State. Any arrangements pursuant to thissection shall be detailed in the next regular report of the Board. Such reportshall include the identity of the donor, the nature of the transaction, and theconditions, if any. Any moneys received by the Board pursuant to this sectionshall be deposited in the State treasury to the account of the Board.
(b) The Board may provide grants as a reimbursement for actualexpenses incurred by the State or political subdivision thereof for theprovisions of training programs of officials from other jurisdictions withinthe State. The Board, by rules, shall provide for the administration of thegrant program authorized herein. In promulgating such rules, the Board shallpromote the most efficient and economical program of Code‑enforcementtraining, including the maximum utilization of existing facilities and programsfor the purpose of avoiding duplication. (1977, c. 531, s. 1; 1987, c. 827, s. 224.)