§ 143‑151.64. Continuing education requirements.
(a) Requirements. TheBoard may establish programs of continuing education for licensees under thisArticle. A licensee subject to a program under this section shall presentevidence to the Board upon the license renewal following initial licensure, andevery renewal thereafter, that during the 12 months preceding the annuallicense expiration date the licensee has completed the required number ofclassroom hours of instruction in courses approved by the Board. Annualcontinuing education hour requirements shall be determined by the Board, butshall not be less than 12 credit hours and no more than 20 hours. No member ofthe Board shall provide or sponsor a continuing education course under thissection while that person is serving on the Board.
(b) Fees. The Boardmay establish a nonrefundable course application fee to be charged to a coursesponsor for the review and approval of a proposed continuing education course.Approval of a continuing education course must be renewed annually. The Boardmay also require a course sponsor to pay a fee for each licensee completing anapproved continuing education course conducted by the sponsor.
(c) Credit forUnapproved Course. The Board may award continuing education credit for anunapproved course or related educational activity. The Board may prescribeprocedures for a licensee to submit information on an unapproved course orrelated educational activity for continuing education credit. The Board maycharge a fee to the licensee for each course or activity submitted.
(d) Extension of Time. The Board may, for good cause shown, grant extensions of time to licensees tocomply with these requirements. Any licensee who, after obtaining an extensionunder this subsection, offers evidence satisfactory to the Board that thelicensee has satisfactorily completed the required continuing educationcourses, is in compliance with this section.
(e) Rules. The Boardmay adopt rules governing continuing education requirements, including rulesthat govern:
(1) The content andsubject matter of continuing education courses.
(2) The criteria,standards, and procedures for the approval of courses, course sponsors, andcourse instructors.
(3) The methods ofinstruction.
(4) The computation ofcourse credit.
(5) The ability to carryforward course credit from one year to another.
(6) The waiver of orvariance from the continuing education requirement for hardship or otherreasons.
(7) The procedures forcompliance and sanctions for noncompliance. (1999‑149, s. 4; 2001‑421, s. 2.5; 2009‑509,s. 1.1.)