§ 143‑170.2. Publication procedure manuals.
(a) The State Librarian in consultation with the State Auditorshall administer and periodically revise guidelines to be used by all Stateagencies and community colleges in developing publication procedures manualsfor public documents. The initial guidelines developed by the Department ofAdministration shall be released no later than December 1, 1989 and shalladdress at least the following elements of publication production for publicdocuments:
(1) Bibliographic style, substantially in accord with arecognized style manual approved by the State Librarian; provided, however, theDepartment shall not develop guidelines concerning the design, layout, size orappearance of publications except as otherwise permitted herein;
(2) Procedures for the notification of the State Library fortitle changes in serial publications;
(3) Pricing of documents for resale;
(4) Use of publication services at State‑operated printingfacilities;
(5) Purchase of commercial publication services; and
(6) The distribution of publications.
TheDepartment of Administration shall submit the initial guidelines to Stateagencies for review and comment for a period of 60 days; provided, however,that submission to the University of North Carolina General Administrationshall satisfy this requirement with respect to universities. The Department,in consultation with at least the State Librarian and the State Auditor, shallconsider the comments of the State agencies before adopting final guidelines. The Department of Administration shall adopt and release the final guidelinesno later than four months after the release of the initial guidelines.
(b) Upon the adoption and release of final guidelines by theDepartment of Administration, each State agency and community college shallwithin four months thereafter adopt a publication procedures manual for publicdocuments consistent with the guidelines established pursuant to subsection (a)of this section and an administrative review and approval process to ensureappropriate review and approval of its public documents.
(c) Each State agency and community college shall submit to theState Library for review and retention a copy of its publication proceduresmanual and its administrative review procedure for public documents. Anyrevisions made by an agency shall also be submitted to the State Library within30 days of adoption by the agency.
(d) Repealed by Session Laws 1991, c. 757. s. 1.
(d1) The State Library may revise the final statewide guidelines,originally issued April 1, 1990, by the Department of Administration, at anytime after July 1, 1990, provided that there be distribution of any proposedrevisions to all agencies and institutions subject to these provisions, andthat there be a 30‑day review period for these agencies to comment. (1989, c. 715, s. 1; 1991, c. 757. s. 1.)