§ 143‑201. Bylaws;officers of board.
The said board of directors when organized under the terms of thisArticle shall have authority to adopt bylaws for the organization and saidbylaws shall thereafter be subject to change only by three‑fifths vote ofa quorum of said board of directors; the board of directors shall choose fromits membership or from the membership of the Association a chairman, a vice‑chairman,a secretary and a treasurer, which offices in the discretion of the board maybe combined in one, and also a historian and a general counsel. The board alsoin its discretion may choose one or more honorary vice‑chairmen. The dulyelected officers of the Association shall serve as an advisory committee to theSecretary of Cultural Resources concerning matters relating to "The LostColony" historical drama. (1945, c. 953, s. 3; 1973, c. 476, s. 87.)