Article 19C.
Outdoor Historical Dramas.
§ 143‑204.8. Allotments to outdoor historicaldramas.
(a) Upon the application of an outdoor historical dramacorporation or trust, approved by the Secretary of Cultural Resources, theGovernor and the Council of State may order an allotment from the Contingencyand Emergency Fund of the State not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars($15,000) a year to that outdoor historical drama corporation or trust to aidin the production of an outdoor historical drama if the provisions ofsubsection (b) of this section are met.
(b) An allotment shall only be made under this section uponevidence submitted to the Governor and Council of State by the Secretary ofCultural Resources that during the immediately preceding season of production,the drama was operated at a deficit because of inclement weather or othercircumstances beyond the control of the corporation or trust and thatcontributions or gifts made to the corporation or trust are deductible forincome tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code.
(c) For purposes of this section, an "outdoor historicaldrama corporation or trust," means only the following corporations ortrusts presenting outdoor historical dramas:
Corporationor Trust OutdoorHistorical Drama
CherokeeHistorical Association, "UntoThese Hills"
TheCommittee for an Outdoor "Blackbeard The
Dramaat Bath, Incorporated Knightof the Black
TheDuplin Outdoor Drama Society, "TheLiberty Cart: A
Incorporated Duplin Story"
EasternStage, Inc. "Firstfor Freedom"
TheMoore County Historical "TheHouse in the
Association, Incorporated Horseshoe"
TheOutdoor Theatre Fund "FromThis Day Forward"
Charitable Trust
"Revolution!",Incorporated "Revolution!"
RoanokeIsland Historical "TheLost Colony"
Association, Incorporated
RobesonHistorical Drama, "Strikeat the Wind"
SnowCamp Historical Drama "Swordof Peace"
Society, Incorporated
SouthernAppalachian Historical "Hornin the West"
Association, Incorporated
TheWaxhaws Historical Festival "Listenand Remember"
and Drama Association
The above listing of dramas is for informational purposes only andshall not be construed to limit the eligibility of the specified outdoorhistorical drama corporation or trust to receive allotments under this section.
(d) An outdoor historical drama corporation or trust which hasapplied for or received an allotment under this section shall permit the StateAuditor to inspect and audit its financial records. (1977, c. 996, s. 1; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1086,s. 44; 1989, c. 752, s. 21; 1991, c. 636, s. 16.)