§ 143‑214.8. Ecosystem Enhancement Program:established.
The Ecosystem Enhancement Program is established within the Departmentof Environment and Natural Resources. The Ecosystem Enhancement Program shallbe developed by the Department as a nonregulatory statewide ecosystemenhancement program for the acquisition, maintenance, restoration, enhancement,and creation of wetland and riparian resources that contribute to theprotection and improvement of water quality, flood prevention, fisheries,wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities. The Ecosystem EnhancementProgram shall consist of the following components:
(1) Restoration and perpetual maintenance of wetlands.
(2) Development of restoration plans.
(3) Landowner contact and land acquisition.
(4) Evaluation of site plans and engineering studies.
(5) Oversight of construction and monitoring of restorationsites.
(6) Land ownership and management.
(7) Mapping, site identification, and assessment of wetlandsfunctions.
(8) Oversight of private wetland mitigation banks to facilitatethe components of the Ecosystem Enhancement Program. (1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c. 18, s. 27.4(a); 1997‑443, s. 11A.119(a);2005‑386, s. 3.1.)