§ 143‑215.27. Repair, alteration, or removal of dam.
(a) Before commencing the repair, alteration or removal of adam, application shall be made for written approval by the Department, exceptas otherwise provided by this Part. The application shall state the name andaddress of the applicant, shall adequately detail the changes it proposes toeffect and shall be accompanied by maps, plans and specifications setting forthsuch details and dimensions as the Department requires. The Department maywaive any such requirements. The application shall give such other informationconcerning the dam and reservoir required by the Department, such informationconcerning the safety of any change as it may require, and shall state theproposed time of commencement and completion of the work. When an applicationhas been completed it may be referred by the Department for agency review andreport, as provided by subsection (b) of G.S. 143‑215.26 in the case oforiginal construction.
(b) When repairs are necessary to safeguard life and propertythey may be started immediately but the Department shall be notified forthwithof the proposed repairs and of the work under way, and they shall be made toconform to its orders. (1967, c. 1068, s. 5; 1979, c. 55, s. 1.)