§ 143‑215.76. Purpose.
It is the purpose of this Article to promote the health, safety, andwelfare of the citizens of this State by protecting the land and the watersover which this State has jurisdiction from pollution by oil, oil products, oilby‑products, and other hazardous substances. It is not the intention ofthis Article to exercise jurisdiction over any matter as to which the UnitedStates government has exclusive jurisdiction, nor in any wise contrary to anygoverning provision of federal law, and no provision of this Article shall beso construed. The General Assembly further declares that it is the intent ofthis Article to support and complement applicable provisions of the FederalWater Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. section 1251 et seq., asamended, and the National Contingency Plan for removal of oil adopted pursuantthereto. (1973, c. 534, s.1; 1979, c. 535, s. 2.)