§ 143‑215.94M. Reports.
(a) The Secretary shall present an annual report to theEnvironmental Review Commission which shall include at least the following:
(1) A list of all discharges or releases of petroleum fromunderground storage tanks;
(2) A list of all cleanups requiring State funding through theNoncommercial Fund and a comprehensive budget to complete such cleanups;
(3) A list of all cleanups undertaken by tank owners oroperators and the status of these cleanups;
(4) A statement of receipts and disbursements for both theCommercial Fund and the Noncommercial Fund;
(5) A statement of all claims against both the Commercial Fundand the Noncommercial Fund, including claims paid, claims denied, pendingclaims, anticipated claims, and any other obligations;
(6) The adequacy of both the Commercial Fund and theNoncommercial Fund to carry out the purposes of this Part together with anyrecommendations as to measures that may be necessary to assure the continuedsolvency of the Commercial Fund and the Noncommercial Fund; and
(7) A statement of the condition of the Loan Fund and a summaryof all activity under the Loan Fund.
(b) The report required by this section shall be made by theSecretary on or before 1 September of each year. (1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1035, s. 1; 1989, c. 652, ss. 12, 16;1991, c. 538, s. 11; 1993, c. 400, s. 15; c. 402, s. 6; 2002‑148, s. 7.)