§ 143‑345.23. Suggestion and review process;role of agency coordinator and agency evaluator.
(a) The process for a State employee or team of State employeesto submit a cost‑saving or revenue‑increasing proposal shall beginwith the employee or team of employees submitting the suggestion or innovationto an agency coordinator. The agency coordinator, in conjunction with an agencyevaluator, shall review the suggestion or innovation for submission to theState Review Committee established in G.S. 143‑345.24.
(b) An agency coordinator shall be appointed by the head of eachparticipating agency to serve as liaison between the agency, the suggester, theagency evaluator, and the SEIBP office. The duties of the agency coordinatorshall include:
(1) Serving as an information source and maintaining sufficientforms necessary to submit suggestions.
(2) Presenting, in conjunction with the agency evaluator, therecommendation for an award to the State Review Committee.
(3) Working in conjunction with the agency evaluator to processa particular suggestion or innovation within 180 days, except when there areextenuating circumstances.
An agency may have more than one coordinator if required to providesufficient services to State employees.
(c) An agency evaluator shall be designated by the management ofthe implementing agency to evaluate one or more suggestions. The duties of anagency evaluator shall include:
(1) Receiving from the agency coordinator and reviewing within90 days, when possible, the feasibility and effectiveness of cost‑savingor revenue‑increasing measures suggested by State employees.
(2) Being knowledgeable of the subject program, activity, orservice.
(3) Determining, in conjunction with the agency fiscal officer,the budgetary impact of a suggestion or innovation.
(4) Judging impartially both the positive and negative effectsof a suggestion or innovation on the current functions of the subject program,activity, or service.
(d) The executive secretary shall be responsible for generaloversight and coordination of the State Employee Incentive Bonus Program. TheState coordinator shall be an employee of the Department of Administration. TheState coordinator shall be responsible for day‑to‑day SEIBP programmanagement and administration of the technical aspects of the program. TheState coordinator shall be an ex officio voting member of the State ReviewCommittee. (1997‑513, s. 2;1998‑181, s. 7; 2001‑424, s. 7.2(e).)